February 9, 2009

What I believe is a Hindu?

This has been quite a debate at the time when I was returning back from Shimla with my family. The question in the debate was who is a Hindu? As I see it, India is a multi-cultural, secular country. She had been invaded and subsequently been choosen as permanent abode by invaders and travellers from time immemorial. Apart from Hinduism, India is home to Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs to name a few prominent. All these religions can be traced, that is those who follow Islam are Muslims, those believing in Jesus Christ are Christians, those who believe in the followings of Gautam Buddha, are Buddhists and so on but who are the Hindus?

The answer could be said that all those who are not these and are not aethesits are Hindus. Though I believe otherwise. I trace the word Hindu from the people who grew by the Sindhu river civilization and adapted to the way living of the people around it. If we trace our steps backwards, Sikhs were all Hindus, including all the 10 Gurus. Same was the case with Gautam Buddha or Siddhartha, as he was known as before he founded Buddhism. Or should I say he gave words to previously existing philosophy within Hinduism. Then what exactly is Hinduism?

Date: Nov. 03, 2010

I had the opportunity to attend a seminar on Spirituality and Ethics in Management in my College where learned men from different faiths came over from across the country to discuss the importance of Spirituality in the present day world.

What to do at the Blog

Making a blog is one thing and writing blogs on a regular basis is entirely a different ball-game. I have been wondering what is it that I ought to write on the blog. Should it be what I feel on various issues around me? Or should it be restricted to what I have seen and analysed over a period of time? I believe writing or expressing in whatever form possible should be done at this place and so let it be.